
Posts uit juni, 2022 tonen


 Andrea was a prophet to say the least. A lucid visionary.  Her observations told us the truth about humanity, slavery. If only the world was filled with more brave insightfull , intelectual woman like her. But like Andrea Dworkin said ": woman resist radical feminism for it is immensly painfull to be aware of our oppression". And this quote is more relevant than ever like her quote ": we need to speak out against porn or in the future girls might be brainwashed into believing its liberating or empowering to them", she was right every time. There is only one real branch of feminism and that is radical aka root feminism. Woman that are pro porn will never be feminist they are nothing but enabling traiters s.c.u.m. like the incel males they enable. Most men my age are all pedophelic thanks to pornpedoculture. As long as woman are a commodity aka "cattle" anyone else can be too, men, children, even animals. The sexual deviancy, the destruction of the Western


 Men isn't done yet with destroying nature out of hate and contempt. I always said porn is an abyss of self destruction. Now they have forced eufeminazation. Men destroy themselves the family unit claiming to make better woman than actual biological females. All of humanity suffers apathy in massive amount on all fronts of life. Love, sex, food, the air, the sea, everything and everyone is corrupted.  Before the Plandemic, Epsteins connection to Bill Gates was exposed. The world had its apocalyps-unveiling of the vampiric race that trafficks children and organs for the fear and loathing market of andrenochrome. There is an uprising in human conscience. If we gotta be a new world order, than lets be one without the satanic pedocriminal aristocracy.  There is no such thing as modern philantrophy. There are only opportunist globalist, and there are the "useless eaters" , "the goyem" , "the sheeple" , thats us. The masses. The 99%. Never before had we have